Well here's how to!
Big bouncy curls.
This look is elegant sophisticated and also easy!
1) Wash hair then blowdry using a volumising spray or mousse then blowdry lifting the roots with a big round brush.
2) Spray dry hair with a heat protecting spray.
3) Section by section using a big barrelled curling tong take 2inch wide sections and curl in place.
4) Repeat all over and leave to cool. Put your fingers through and spray with holding hair spray!
Long casual waves.
Natural and flowing, this works well on any length or thickness!
Repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
3) Taking a big barrelled tong take large sections and hold in place.
4) With the next section turn the tong in the opposite direction. This will help the curls look more natural and flowing.
5) Using a soft bristled brush gently brush through the waves to soften the look making it look very natural!
Just at the end waves!
This is a great look for naturally thick, long hair.
1) After blowdrying with volumising spray mist over dry hair with heat protector.
2) Taking large sections of hair, (about ten in total) using a large barrelled tong or wide plate GHD, turn the irons and roll half way up the hair keeping the top smooth.
3) Either leave them as they are of ruffle them out with your fingers.
4) Finish with spray and voila!
Wanded curls.
I love this look as it is tighter curls without being fluffy frizzy or "ringlety." These curls can last for a few days also!
1) Wash and blowdry using volumising spray and heat protector once dry.
2) Using a wand, (these come in various sizes) take each section and wrap hair up onto the wand and hold for a few seconds. The longer it is held the tighter the curl.
3) Once all hair is wanded either leave them separated from a texturised look and brush through for soft beachy waves and finish with either hairspray or texturising spray!
40's Vintage waves.

1) Using a GHD styler, take 2inch wide sections and turn the hair around the GHD at a VERTICAL angle. This is important that you don't change this angle the whole way around the head.
2) Once the curls have all been created they will look very set which is what you are looking for.
3) Now taking either a paddle brush or a large brush with soft bristles, slowly brush all the hair through a few times until all the curls are flowing together! Finish with hold or shine spray.
Try these out and let me know how you get on with them and which is your favourite!
Speak soon, Gemma. :)