How to keep your hair looking amazing in the summer heat....quick and easy up styles!

Left loose beach waves - No styling tools required! Surfer hair looks perfectly imperfect. Go to sleep with your hair in braids then tease them out and mess it up in the morning. Alternatively wash your hair and spray in either a sea salt spray or a texturiser spray, scrunch and let air dry.

Slick it back - A high, tight pony tail not only looks sophisticated, its great to have your hair away from your neck on a hot day! After washing your hair let it air dry or roughly blow dry it. Using a dollop of mousse to slick it back into a high pony with give it a nice sheen rather than using gel which will look glued to your head! Scrunch a bit of sea salt spray in the ends to rough it up a bit!

Ballerina bun - A high knot or chignon looks super-fresh and fashionable. Flip your head upside down and gather your hair, flip your hair back up and secure with a hair band and pins. It doesn't matter if it looks messy or a few bits hang out - this style looks better with fly-aways!

On the side - Create a deep side parting and sweep your hair over to one side. The key is to keep it lose and not too tight or severe. Pull a few strands out around your face to soften this look. This is a great style to wear a few days after you wash your hair if you want to get an extra day out of your blowdry!
Feel free to comment or ask questions, I would love to hear your feedback!
Gemma :) x
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